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Tuff Enuf Ranch

Jessica Beauvais

Wild Fling prepping for 2019 futurities!

Wenda Johnson and Dreams First Flash Patriot American Qualifier Winner 2018

2014 bay gelding sired by First Down Expected x RC Flare For Gold (Ninty Nine Goldmine). First Down Expected and Ninety Nine Goldmine are both NFR producers. TJ is on track for 2019 futurities, he is currently exhibitioning half to a full second off. 20k price will increase with hauling.

Donna Kay Rule and High Valor split first at Elk City Rodeo of Champions with Randi Buchanan.

Donna Kay Rule and High Valor making a winning run at the Pretty Prarie, KS PRCA Rodeo

R Barrel Horses

Ryann Pedone

Johnny Reb Jackson exhibition run at NRS 10/9/18 - Check out his style.

Streakin Louie 10/1/18 running a 15.675 at Nortex Arena.

R Barrel Horses

Ryann Pedone

Holland Guy ended up 11th in the 1D for Pink Buckle round 1!
Holland Guy ended up 11th in the 1D for Pink Buckle round 1!

R Barrel Horses

Ryann Pedone

Holland Guy second go around of the Pink Buckle. He placed 11th the first go; 7th the second go; 6th in the Average!