Vakning from Pinnacle Brook

2011 Chestnut Mare

Pleasure Horse Sold

Vakning from Pinnacle Brook

2011 Chestnut Mare
Kjarku fra Haholti x
Perla from Bluegrass (Kolskeggur fra Staerri-Bae)

Vakning from Pinnacle Brook Fun with Vakning! Riding bareback, riding through the creek, bareback with tarp and carrying a pole


Kjarku fra Haholti



Perla from Bluegrass
Kolskeggur fra Staerri-Bae  x


Kjarku fra Haholti


Perla from Bluegrass
Kolskeggur fra Staerri-Bae  
Vakning, 10 yr old registered United Icelandic mare. She is super sweet, in your pocket...go all day at whatever pace you'd like. 
Vakning from Pinnacle Brook  
Vakning from Pinnacle Brook

Vakning from Pinnacle Brook
Vakning from Pinnacle Brook

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  • Post Type: Horse Highlights
    Fun with Vakning! Riding bareback, riding through the creek, bareback with tarp and carrying a pole
    Fun with Vakning! Riding bareback, riding through the creek, bareback with tarp and carrying a pole

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Vakning from Pinnacle Brook

2011 Chestnut Mare
Kjarku fra Haholti x
Perla from Bluegrass
(Kolskeggur fra Staerri-Bae)

Sold $ 14000


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Page Views 9-1-2023 - 09-20-2024