Elska from Clear Springs Hollow

2007 Dun Mare

Pleasure Horse Sold

Elska from Clear Springs Hollow

2007 Dun Mare
Arvakur from Unicorn Valley x
Jora from Unicorn Valley (Krummi from Unicorn Valley)

Elska from Clear Springs Hollow


Arvakur from Unicorn Valley



Jora from Unicorn Valley
Krummi from Unicorn Valley  x


Arvakur from Unicorn Valley


Jora from Unicorn Valley
Krummi from Unicorn Valley  
Elska is a beautiful, kind eyed smooth moving 14 yr old Icelandic mare. She spent 2 years solid on trails. Elska stays in the tolt easily. Very easy going...loves people and is very eager to please. UTD on vaccs and worming.
Elska from Clear Springs Hollow  
Elska from Clear Springs Hollow

Elska from Clear Springs Hollow
Elska from Clear Springs Hollow

Elska from Clear Springs Hollow

2007 Dun Mare
Arvakur from Unicorn Valley x
Jora from Unicorn Valley
(Krummi from Unicorn Valley)

Sold $ 17500


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Page Views 9-1-2023 - 09-20-2024