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Hubs strolling around the fairgrounds on Bourbon at the Cans for Kids Foster to Adopt Fundraiser
Hubs strolling around the fairgrounds on Bourbon at the Cans for Kids Foster to Adopt Fundraiser

Traffic Jam ca$hing in 2D coasting to 1st! 2014 APHA gelding by Traffic Guy

TJ cruising for a 1D check! Double F Arena Hinckley, MN ‪@tuffenufranch9047‬ #BeauvaisBarrelHorses

UX Google It and Pete Oen run the Fastest Time of the Week at Run At The Rose

2022 Sorrel Stallion, Barrel Horse Prospect. Sweet, kind, talented, willing. This video is after 4 days off and he rode like he had not missed a day.