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Tuff Enuf Ranch

Jessica Beauvais

Wild Fling timed exhibition, 2nd fastest time of the night!

R Barrel Horses

Ryann Pedone

Boom Goes The Fame Placing In the VERY SALTY American Qualifier in Bryan TX 11/13/18
Boom Goes The Fame Placing In the VERY SALTY American Qualifier in Bryan TX 11/13/18

Peppys Streakof Fame just started loping the pattern 7/21/18

Im Not Easy Guys coasting thru at NRS 10/30/18

Tuff Enuf Ranch

Jessica Beauvais

Elles French Fame winning the 3D! 10/30/18
Elles French Fame winning the 3D! 10/30/18

Tuff Enuf Ranch

Jessica Beauvais

Warming up at Oasis - Biscuit & Satin
Warming up at Oasis - Biscuit & Satin

Tuff Enuf Ranch

Jessica Beauvais

Copper & Hailey making a nice 1D run!
Copper & Hailey making a nice 1D run!