Trainers dream of horses they train finding their perfect human...

Trainers dream of horses they train finding their perfect human...

There are some horses that come into our lives to train that kind of stick in our hearts a little more than others. I was so fortunate to cross paths with VQ Im Buzzed. He was owned by Robin Weaver, and she was patient enough with me and Big P to allow me to keep him and let him come into his own! He is the biggest, kindest gelding, and he will forever hold a special place in my heart! Trainers dream of their horses we train to find their special human, and Big P was lucky enough to find a home with Abby Phillips! I can see the peace in his eyes when she pets him on the neck, and I can honestly see pure “calmness” within him with Abby! So excited to watch him mature into a great rodeo horse that I believe he is designed to be! Thank you Jodi Miyler Phillips and Abby for already showing him so much love! He is one lucky boy to find a home with such a loving family! 

A great horse will change your life. The truly special ones define it..." - Author Unknown

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