Congrats Erika on your Josey Clinic Win!  Way to start your journey with Streakin Queenie!

Congrats Erika on your Josey Clinic Win! Way to start your journey with Streakin Queenie!

Thank you Sean, Stephanie and Erika for giving 'R' Streakin Queenie a great home.  We are proud of Erika and look forward to following her both on Daryl and her new mount 'Streakin Queenie'.


Post by Erika ~ Streakin Queenie winning the Josey Clinic. Already so in love with this little mare.Thank you to the Shoppa's of Shoppa Ranch for trusting me with Celsey I am so excited for our future together! And a big thanks to Ryann Pedone for taking me to the clinic and helping me with Celsey. I had such a good weekend with Ryann, Cally-ann Gordon, and Jax Johnson along with the rest of the Johnson family. Good company always makes the cold weather a little more bearable!

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