
Horse Highlights 

Thank you team! Tons of emotions with grateful topping the list...

I am so overwhelmed with so many emotions, however the largest one being gratefulness. In that brief interview with Amy on the Cowboy Channel after Stinger’s win, my head was spinning so fast and I was an emotional mess, I left out several people I need to thank for being huge reasons why we are able to be headed to the 2020 NFR. 
Don Lee is my husband and Stinger’s veterinarian, and he goes above and beyond for both me and Stinger. He works countless hours and he is always supportive. It is not easy being married to someone that is a horse trainer, much less having to be the horse trainer’s veterinarian. He is a big reason Stinger is able to perform so well. Thank you and I love you.
Ann Thompson enters me at all the rodeos. I have no idea how she keeps everyone straight, however the woman is a genius, and she is knowledgeable and encouraging. Thank you Ann!
My mom and Ronny are always cheering for me, they are willing to always drop what they have going on to help me out, whether it is picking me up from the airport, running an errand, or watching my beloved dogs. Thank you both, I love you!
Dan, Jason, and Charlie, what an opportunity you all have given me! Thank you for giving me a shot to train Feel the Sting, thank you for teaming me up with Dash ta Jones, thank you for being patient with me while I figure out French Zone, and thank you for believing in me. You all are great to work for.
Robert Gifford, thank you for being the greatest driver anyone could ask for! You have turned my sweet Eli into a complete spoiled shitzhu, however I will forgive you because you go out of your way for the horses, and you take care of the rig like it is yours! You are a huge asset. Thank you!
My Dad.... thank you for the Pep talks when I was needing one. Thank you for believing in me. Thank you for always giving your time for me ever since I was little. Thank you and I love you!
Lee Pedone, my sweet brother! You are definitely the more loving one out of us.... you have been such a uplifting force, even though at times you can be a bitch, your love and support that you bestow upon me is something most sisters wish they had from a brother. God broke the mold when he made you. You and Kyndall are such a big part of my life... I love you! Jodee Miller, thank you for being so good to my niece, and thank you for helping me out! You did an awesome job jump riding my colts. I am blessed for you to be part of my circle!
To so many of my friends, fellow competitors, my owners, and people in the sport of barrel racing, THANK YOU! You have no idea how much it means to have nice messages, texts, and calls! I am overwhelmed by the kindness shown to me. Thank you! 
Jack Bruner and Jace Hill.... Thank you both for the knowledge of glue on shoes! Stinger appreciates you both! Kelly Bruner, thank for your time and help with French Zone! Her win at Sikeston put me back in the game! 
Thank you to the horses Dash ta Jones, French Zone, and Feel the Sting! If it wasn’t for Jonesy last summer giving me enough money earned to allow Stinger to shine in the buildings in early 2020 I would not have had an opportunity to get to the NFR 2020. French Zone placed with me at several rodeos, And she won Sikeston putting me back in contingency to qualify to the 2020. She did so good for the circumstances, and I am
Looking forward some down time to really get with that special mare. Feel the Sting, who I affectionately call Stinger, Thank you for making me feel confident to truly call on you under such a pressure situation... he truly loves the sport of barrel racing, and I was beyond blessed to have the opportunity to train him, futurity, derby and qualify to the NFR on him. I know Sherry, Stingray, wine Sherry’s family are so proud of this stallion. What memories these horses have given me! I will forever cherish this moment in time.
This year of 2020 has been a whirlwind! It has made me love and appreciate the USA 🇺🇸 so much. I am so fortunate to be apart of a sport that honors our country and military, respects our President, respects our flag, stands for the national anthem, and prays before the event! 
So as I sum this up, I just hope everyone in my Circle knows how much I appreciate them! This memory that was made Saturday night, 9/26/20 would not be possible if it wasn’t for so many people and special horses! 
#purinahorsefeed,#platinumperformance, #shefitapparel, #classicequine, #martinsaddlery, #mactruckdfw, #xxequine,#dragqueenarenatool, #oxygen, #magpaste, #deannaharrisonsessentialoils, #HorseSwim, #bootcampaign

A moment lasts all of a second, but the memory lives on forever. 
*remember to vote November 4th#Trump2020❤️🇺🇸💙


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