High Money Earners from Destrys Free 4 All

Featured Rider:
Sammie Willoughby
Featured Horse:
SW The Bayou Bug
OE by Dam:
Bayou Roan

#393 records


High Money Horse & Rider

Total Payout: $72,275.00
1) $3,366.00  Sammie Willoughby

SW The Bayou Bug

Sadies Born To Perform X   Bayou Roan  

(Billy Billy Bayou)

Adult  14.832  $359.00

B Spend  14.832  $790.00

OH  14.832  $274.00

Open  14.832  $1,250.00

PBRIP  14.832  $693.00

SH  15.453  $304.00

2) $2,816.00  Morgan Bagnell

Jet N For Karats

BLAZIN JETOLENA X   Cadillacs N Karats  

(Whose Dat Bunny)

Adult  14.804  $348.00

B Spend  14.804  $885.00

OH  14.804  $274.00

Open  14.804  $1,700.00

3) $2,500.00  Dale Long

JK Im Thinkin Famous

John Fame X   ZAN PARR OKIE  


Open  14.648  $2,500.00

4) $2,000.00  Kassie Rieken

So Im A Famous Guy


Open  15.153  $2,000.00

5) $1,635.00  Jacie Etbauer-Allred

Frosty DoDat Whistle

PC Frosty Bid X   Whistle N Skip  

(No Whistle)

Adult  14.840  $211.00

B Spend  14.840  $758.00

OH  14.840  $137.00

Open  14.840  $1,179.00

6) $1,500.00  Kelly Mancinelli

KN Epic Faith

EPIC LEADER X   KN Letta Girl Do It  


Open  15.649  $1,500.00

7) $1,359.00  Allison Mullis

Mistys Blazin Success

BLAZIN JETOLENA X   Mistys First Success  

(Corona Caliente)

Mature  15.165  $92.00

Open  15.165  $1,492.00

8) $1,316.00  Becky Oglesby

PC A Gallant Judge

Judge Cash X   PC GALLANT OAKS  

Adult  16.307  $348.00

B Spend  16.307  $759.00

OH  16.307  $209.00

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