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Posts Match Your Search: Jeanette Nelson

Triple N Ranch

Jeanette Nelson


Horse Highlights

SomeFamousFirewater placing 13th in the 2D out of 482 and was 5th 2D youth. This was her first competition run.

Triple N Ranch

Jeanette Nelson


Winning Run

SomeFamousFirewater winning the open 2D and placing 3rd in the youth 1D at her second show entered, Pac West Ocala FL 2/11/21
SomeFamousFirewater winning the open 2D and placing 3rd in the youth 1D at her second show entered, Pac West Ocala FL 2/11/21

Triple N Ranch

Jeanette Nelson


Horse Highlights

Congratulations DEEP SIXUM You have two prodigy in top 25 of the 2017 1D Barrel Horses in the Southeastern Region.
Congratulations DEEP SIXUM You have two prodigy in top 25 of the 2017 1D Barrel Horses in the Southeastern Region.

3 Posts Match Your Search: Jeanette Nelson

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